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Aug 12, 2015



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Bahrain, after a deadlock which has lasted for three years provoked by the political instability, is living its recovery, presenting itself as the best country in the Arabian Gulf to do business. Manama wants to overcome Doha and Dubai in their capacity to attract investments into the hotel industry and the financial services. The fall of the oil price represents a challenge for the growing perspectives of Bahrain, pressuring the Government to cut the expenditures in the next years. We expect that the funds of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf to finance important projects to relaunch the tourism, in addition to the return of consumptions from the neighbourig Saudi Arabia, whose inhabitants love to visit Bahrain. We expect a real economic growth, though slow, of 3.4% this year and 3.3% in 2016. The medium-term perspectives remain inevitably subject to the socio-political stability.

Paesi Obiettivo

Arabian Gulf,