
(+39) 0809648596



Aug 11, 2015



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international marketing




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As a member of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Qatar benefits from a common market with the other Gulf States and attracts a lot of our customers. The country has great reserves of natural gas and oil. The Government of Qatar is very popular thanks to the impressive increasing of the GDP, along with the universal State benefits, without imposition. Along with our correspondents, we inform our customers about the latest market news and the political developments as a part of our top-down and bottom-up perspective. The risk of social unrests is among the lowest in the region. Despite the restrictions to the democratic freedom, the Qatari people enjoy one of the highest per capita income in the world, thanks to the oil reserves. The economy of Qatar is quickly expanding due to the accommodating fiscal policy, the infrastructures sector and the increasing population growth. The Government is trying to diversify the economy releasing it from the oil sector and boosting the real estate as well as the tourism and the services. This policy is transforming Qatar into an international tourist attraction, as demonstrated by the fact that Qatar will host the FIFA World Cup in 2022.

Paesi Obiettivo

Aрабский залив,

Aрабский залив,