Dear colleague, I would like to invite you to Aquatech China 2018, the largest international water trade show in China for the fields of process, drinking and waste water....
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May, 18
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WELCOME AT OUR STAND GIELLE 3-B21 Consultrade with Gielle in Dubai to INTERSEC 2016 . The world’s leading and most international security and safety exhibition is far more than...
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Jan, 16
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Consultrade in Puglia , in Basilicata e nel Molise rappresenta la Krunos , società italiana specializzata nella produzione e installazioni di mini – centrali idroelettriche. L’acqua, una preziosa risorsa...
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Dec, 15
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Floating Power Barges
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Aug, 15
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Consultrade is export manager of the Consortium Stone & Surroundings. Mele Design, Imer, Colella Constructions srl, Edil Marmi di Pasquale Di Santo e Wave srl joined in a consortium...
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Aug, 15
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Consultrade sponsors the Territorial Agency of the Agreement Northern Province of Bari-Ofanto « Imperial Apulia » in Tokyo. During the event “TERRAE D’ITALIA” a full day was dedicated to sponsor tourism...
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Aug, 15
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TERRAE D’ITALIA IN BAHRAIN L’evento “Terrae d’Italia ” ideato dalla Consultrade approda nel Golfo Arabo grazie all’Ambasciata Italiana in Bahrain ed al Suo Ambasciatore, il Dott. Enrico Padula. Tale evento...
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Aug, 15
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International Garden Show of Manama in Bahrain Anno 2010 Consultrade con il suo brand “TERRAE D’ITALIA”, che rappresenta l’evento itinerante ideato dal suo leader, presenta la quarta edizione in...
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Aug, 15
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Eventi per far crescere la tua azienda. L’organizzazione di eventi che coinvolgano ed emozionino è quello di cui ci occupiamo quotidianamente da più di 12 anni, sempre con la...
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Aug, 15
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